Thursday, March 26, 2020

Taking Your Organic Chemistry Degree Course

Taking Your Organic Chemistry Degree CourseOnce you have taken the prerequisite courses, you are ready to begin your Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. Your professors will provide you with extensive background information about the topics that are most common in a wide variety of organic chemistry classes, including mechanics, thermodynamics, and reactions. You will also learn about important landmarks in the field of organic chemistry, such as the role of synthesis in organic chemistry, biochemistry, and chemistry.You will also be asked to select from among various theoretical approaches to study, from partition theory to thermodynamics. The school's advisor will tell you about these and also offer advice on what you will need to do to prepare for a challenging course.Once you've chosen a class to attend, you will find out how to go about completing the lessons and your lesson plans. If you are studying a very difficult course, your adviser may suggest that you complete the recommended nu mber of hours in a specific amount of time, but may also offer to help you plan the duration of your own learning schedule, or might make suggestions for doing things in order to reduce your workload. In addition, you might also find that your instructors are willing to help you manage your workload if you are an under-strength student. They can offer advice on how to set priorities and how to prioritize your own education.When you are able to take the coursework, your teacher will ask you to create a program of study based on the list of required readings and other coursework. While most programs of study are similar, some guidelines are different, depending on whether you choose a concentration or just a standard laboratory course. You will find a number of degree programs available, all of which have requirements and their own degree requirements, and you will need to ensure that your concentration course is appropriate for you and that it is compatible with your existing life ci rcumstances.Some program of study might also require that you write an essay for each course, and some have a requirement that you use a certain software package in completing your coursework. You will have to ensure that you write the essays in a manner that is academically sound, not sloppy, and so that you will appear to be a reasonable student.If you are unable to write an essay, you will have to indicate this on your application for admission. Your professors will be happy to help you with this by offering suggestions. However, if you are unable to do your assignments and you find that you find yourself unable to complete them, you may find that you need to reassess your academic history to see if there is a way that you could improve your grade point average.As you progress through your coursework, you will find that your concentration in organic chemistry is often the first part of your program of study. You will also be required to obtain a special license, which requires an extended course in organic chemistry. The license may also entail a particular study material, as well as a course in organic chemistry, or maybe even a combination of both.

Friday, March 6, 2020

My Experience at Pomona College

My Experience at Pomona College The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Miranda received her Bachelors degree in Religious Studies from Pomona College. She is currently a tutor in Seattle specializing in Reading tutoring, SAT prep tutoring, Writing tutoring, and several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at Pomona College: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Miranda: Pomona College is one of the five Claremont Colleges, and our campuses basically blend together you cross the street, and suddenly you are on a different campus. Each campus has a different architectural style, but that is pretty much the only way you can tell them apart. Pomona College is California Spanish style, with a lot of terracotta and stucco, as well as a lot of greenery. It is very beautiful. You can walk everywhere on campus, and it is only about a mile from the edge of Pomona Collegeto the edge of the most distant sister school. If you are injured, you can get a ride in a golf cart from designated injury drivers. That being said, a lot of people have bikes or skateboards, and cars are necessary if you want to go anywhere that is not Claremont. Claremont itself is also within walking distance. It has a few nice restaurants and vintage stores, but there is not a lot to it. Very cute, though. The campus is not urban at all, and it is incredibly safe, though we do have a bit of an issue with bike thievery. Otherwise, I felt totally safe walking around alone (even in the wee hours of the morning). VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Miranda:The professors (who are also the academic advisers) are very accessible. Everyone holds office hours, but a lot of instructors are also willing to meet at whatever time works for you. Nearly everyone I met with was willing to spend a huge amount of time talking through whatever I came to them with, whether it was a paper, a class dilemma, or just to chat. In fact, a few were so willing to talk that I almost missed other appointments because I did not expect to spend an hour and a half there. There are no teaching assistants, but there are mentors who run homework/study sessions for the math/science classes. They help students work through problem sets or study for midterms. I almost never experienced this as a humanities major, but many of my friends were mentors, and they spent a ton of time on their mentor sessions, staying until the last person felt confident. The one time I had a mentor session, for my geology midterm, my mentor stayed for ages and answered every question several times over. So, basically, everyone is all about teaching and is very accessible. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Miranda:Pomona Colleges dormsare palatial. Not everyone has awesome housing their first year, but nothing is awful. I had a lovely single that overlooked a courtyard filled with birds of paradise, so it was pretty nice. The next year was my worst housing a smaller single that was less nice but still a single... and after that, just more large singles. In my senior year, I lived in a suite of four singles with my best friends. It had two bathrooms, a big balcony as a common space, and a working fireplace in my room. This overlooked a grassy courtyard that was a great gathering place for everyone who lived around it, and we hung a hammock there for a bit and studied on the steps. The dining options are pretty good. Four years in, you are going to get bored of dining hall food no matter what, but compared to any other school, our food was great. There were always tons of options for all dietary restrictions and taste preferences. I am vegetarian, and it was no problem. There is always bread, and peanut butter, and hummus, and cereal, and a big salad bar, and at least one vegetarian hot option usually more. There are also cafes and grills on campus for food outside of normal dining hall hours. Four days a week, there is a free snack at 10:30 p.m. in the dining hall to fuel your late-night studying. If you get bored of Pomona Colleges dining halls, or want something other than what they are serving that night, you can use your meal allotment to eat at the dining halls on any of the other four campuses. The dorms attempt to run events to help everyone meet each other, but that pretty much ends after your first year. In your first year, though, all the students are placed in sponsor groups, and each group has two sophomores living with them, to provide advice. They tend to hang out a lot and socialize together, and it is an easy way to meet your first friends. There are plenty of ways to meet people outside of that, though, so even when the dorm events peter out after your first year, there are classes, clubs, parties, talks, etc. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Miranda:Pomona College is pretty good across the board, and it is very supportive of all of its majors. Our Math major is particularly good, and there are a lot of Economics majors. I also think my department, Religious Studies, was amazing. I chose this field because it was what I was most interested in, and it turned out the course offerings were fascinating and the professors were both incredibly intelligent and just all-around great people funny and imaginative and great communicators. The college did a fine job of supporting us. While not the most popular major, we had some of the most popular classes and professors, who consistently won student-voted awards. We have a beautiful building, and the professors in my major had amazing and huge offices, with big windows and ceiling-high bookshelves with ladders. It made you feel wise just to walk in. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Miranda:It was pretty easy to meet people through my sponsor group and my dorm, as well as through other activities. Of course, like nearly anywhere, you have to put yourself out there a little bit, and you have to be willing to approach people or go to events. But if you do, people are outgoing and welcoming, and they make it easy. I think a lot of the first years do not even know that there are fraternities. There are, technically, but it does not look like Greek life usually does there are no houses, and they have little social capital or sway on campus. There are also no sororities, though one of the fraternities is co-ed. (You are getting the picture now, right, of how non-traditional our Greek life is?) Each house throws a weekly party on school property, and they are regulated/overseen by the school. Basically, if you want Greek life, the Claremont Colleges are probably not ideal for you. If you do not want Greek life, you have found your place. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Miranda:I would say that the Career Center is not particularly helpful unless you are in a specific industry or looking at a specific job, for which you just want help with a cover letter or interview skills. Otherwise, they are very vague, and I have gotten advice like, Have you looked at a job site online? They are trying to improve. I think reputable companies do recruit on campus, but since I was not looking to go into consulting or any science- or technology-related industry, I do not honestly know. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Miranda:There are couches all over the place, as well as outdoor seating, plenty of room at the library, lounges in most dorms, student-run cafes, and so on. Many of the academic buildings have lounges and libraries, as well. There is plenty of space to study, and plenty of variety between crowded and not, quiet and noisy, etc. There is nearly always a seat, and nearly always someone napping in public. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Miranda:I already mentioned Claremont above, but its downtown is called the Village. So, as you can imagine, it is not big. There are a handful of restaurants, maybe two bars (more restaurant than bar), no clubs, a lot of vintage stores and boutiques full of kitsch, etc. There is a farmers market every Sunday. People do not really hang out in town, though people will go to the trivia night at the only bar anyone ever goes to. Our campus life provides enough or it has to, because there is nothing else. People will occasionally go into Los Angeles, but it is rare, in part because it is not easy. You have to have a car or take the train, and the train does not run late into the evening. It is not that cheap, and it is very slow. I am not saying people never go into Los Angeles, but it is not exactly a mainstay. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Miranda:The student body is very small 1,600 total. There are the four other schools, so that expands it a bit, but they are all the same size or smaller than Pomona College. I would say all the campuses add up to around 5,000 students. This does mean that people you do not even know sometimes know who you are dating three hours after it happened, but it is not too claustrophobic. For the first two years, you still feel like you meet a ton of new people. To me, it felt kind of homey, even if gossip traveled faster than the speed of light. Classes were also very small. Introductory classes might go up to 25 students, but most after that were 15 students or less. It was great. A few classes (like geology) are bigger, because people who hate science take that class to get their credit out of the way. But even the biggest classes get capped at 40 at the absolute most (usually less). VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Miranda:My favorite professor was my academic adviser and thesis reader. She is a snarky, whip-smart lady, but she also cares incredibly deeply about both her students and her subject, and I learned a lot of life lessons from her. I also house-sat for her cats. I have numerous favorite memories of her, but perhaps one of the funniest was the first few days of Ritual and Magic in Childrens Literature. This sounds like an easy class, and a lot of people showed up looking to get a humanities credit out of the way. There were maybe 45 people in there, and they did not even fit in the classroom. My professor tells us that this first class will be short, and it is; she spends about 15 minutes talking about how high her standards are, how harshly she will grade, the heavy workloadnot just childrens books, but lots of critical theory, as well. She also says that your childhood nostalgia might be destroyed by some of the analysis we will do on the classic childrens tales. About 18 people show up to the next class. During this class, we had to read a Freudian analysis of the classic fairytales, that argues, in typical Freudian fashion, that they are all about sex. A few people argue that this cannot be true, and she tells them that it certainly is, s he is sorry if they are upset about it, and unless they can come up with a good argument against the theorist, they are just going to have to accept it. She also assigns a paper, due the next class, about this analysis. The next class, 12 of us show up, and things run smoothly. The class after, she asks us which paper we want to strike from the syllabus, now that she is done scaring people out of the class and has the most devoted students possible. A few weeks later, she has us over for wine and cheese. I also learned a ton from this class, made some great friends, and ended up writing my thesis on religious interpretation in childrens literature. Another favorite collection of memories pertains to the Philosophy department. Once a semester, even when he was on sabbatical, one professor cooked a huge, fancy, multi-course feast at his house he chose a theme each year, like Kenyan food or French cuisine. All the professors and any students involved in the department came over, mingled, talked, ate, and relaxed in a beautiful home. It was wonderful, and he was an amazing cook. Check out Mirandas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Get Cracking Meaning Learn English with Harry ????

Get Cracking Meaning Learn English with Harry ???? Get cracking meaning explained in detail.Welcome to Harrys English in a Minute.Watch this short English video lesson with subtitles and improve your Englsih vocabulary.   Get Cracking - Meaning The phrase that I have for you today is GET CRACKING.Get cracking suggests that we have to move on, we have to do something.This is a short video, I’m going to get cracking. Meaning I’m going to explain it to you.Get cracking means get on with it. Okay?We’ve got to catch a plane. I think it’s about time we got cracking.Meaning let’s get the car on the road and let’s get to the airport.So get cracking, get on with it and just do it. Get Cracking - Related Words to beginto initiateto launchto take upto commenceto kick offto jump intoto start the ball rollingto hit the ground running Get Cracking - Examples Wed better get cracking otherwise we wont be finished before Mum comes back to take us skating.Weve not had the best start in the league, we need to get cracking.Christmas isnt too far away, so you should get cracking on your shopping list right away.Im so excited, and cant wait to get cracking on this.We  cant wait to get cracking  on with the next phase of our campaigning work.There arent many juniour positions available so get gracking and email your CV.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Know Its Time To Look For Reading Tutoring Programs

How To Know It's Time To Look For Reading Tutoring Programs We know reading skills areimportant, but exactly why should parents be quick to address reading issues the moment they are identified? Dont all students learn at their own pace? Its true that every student has his or her academic strengths and weaknesses, and may pick up some skills more quickly than others; however, if your elementary student is reading below grade level or receiving report card marks that indicate under-performance, taking action is imperative. Ignoring a reading deficiency can set the stage for struggles for the rest of the academic year and beyond. Whenstruggling readers become more inclined to avoid reading out of frustration and lack of confidencethey will continue to limit their progress. A negative attitude toward reading can snowball into a lifelong aversion to reading, which can put your student at a significant disadvantage. Poor reading skills are likely to impede on an individuals chances of scoring well on all areas of standardized tests. In addition, reading skills arent confined to the elementary students reading lesson, nor will they be once your student enters middle school and high school. Mathematics, science, social studies and history all depend on reading skills like textual analysis and expository writing. The truth is that success in reading translates to greater success in all academic subjects. So how can you provide your struggling reader with adequate help? Turn to areading tutor. A reading tutor is the most effective way to successfully address a readers weakness in phonetics, fluency and comprehension. A reading tutor can conduct in-depth assessment of a readers abilities and provide individualized one-on-one instruction. Plus, at a well-respected tutoring service like The Huntington Learning Center, where our proven strategies have warranted success for over thirty-five years, parents are sure to see results quickly and students will gain new confidence in the classroom. How do parents know when its time to seek the help of a reading tutor? A reading tutor may be necessary if the reading instruction he or she does receive does not fully address their specific needs. If your elementary student can read with fluency and accuracy, but does not comprehend what he or she is reading, your student is a struggling reader and could benefit from the help of a reading tutor. A conversation with your childs teacher is also an easy way to tell if your student is struggling with reading, as is your students sudden disinterest in reading, tendency to read aloud memorized words but skip over sight words, or inability to read fluently from diverse passages. If you observe your student to be a strong reader at home with grade-level reading abilities but his or her grades dont fully reflect this, the stress of the classroom environment may be hindering your students performance. A reading tutor can help build confidence for reading out loud. Keep in mind that reading tutors are not just for students who are at risk for falling behind; if your elementary student is an advanced reader, a tutoring program could help him or her excel even further with one-on-one instruction delivered at the pace that works best. These are just some of the many ways parents may be able to identify their student as a struggling reader. For more information on tutoring services or resources, or to arrange for areading tutorfor your young reader, contact the Huntington Learning Center today by visiting our website or calling 1-800-CAN-LEARN. How To Know It's Time To Look For Reading Tutoring Programs We know reading skills areimportant, but exactly why should parents be quick to address reading issues the moment they are identified? Dont all students learn at their own pace? Its true that every student has his or her academic strengths and weaknesses, and may pick up some skills more quickly than others; however, if your elementary student is reading below grade level or receiving report card marks that indicate under-performance, taking action is imperative. Ignoring a reading deficiency can set the stage for struggles for the rest of the academic year and beyond. Whenstruggling readers become more inclined to avoid reading out of frustration and lack of confidencethey will continue to limit their progress. A negative attitude toward reading can snowball into a lifelong aversion to reading, which can put your student at a significant disadvantage. Poor reading skills are likely to impede on an individuals chances of scoring well on all areas of standardized tests. In addition, reading skills arent confined to the elementary students reading lesson, nor will they be once your student enters middle school and high school. Mathematics, science, social studies and history all depend on reading skills like textual analysis and expository writing. The truth is that success in reading translates to greater success in all academic subjects. So how can you provide your struggling reader with adequate help? Turn to areading tutor. A reading tutor is the most effective way to successfully address a readers weakness in phonetics, fluency and comprehension. A reading tutor can conduct in-depth assessment of a readers abilities and provide individualized one-on-one instruction. Plus, at a well-respected tutoring service like The Huntington Learning Center, where our proven strategies have warranted success for over thirty-five years, parents are sure to see results quickly and students will gain new confidence in the classroom. How do parents know when its time to seek the help of a reading tutor? A reading tutor may be necessary if the reading instruction he or she does receive does not fully address their specific needs. If your elementary student can read with fluency and accuracy, but does not comprehend what he or she is reading, your student is a struggling reader and could benefit from the help of a reading tutor. A conversation with your childs teacher is also an easy way to tell if your student is struggling with reading, as is your students sudden disinterest in reading, tendency to read aloud memorized words but skip over sight words, or inability to read fluently from diverse passages. If you observe your student to be a strong reader at home with grade-level reading abilities but his or her grades dont fully reflect this, the stress of the classroom environment may be hindering your students performance. A reading tutor can help build confidence for reading out loud. Keep in mind that reading tutors are not just for students who are at risk for falling behind; if your elementary student is an advanced reader, a tutoring program could help him or her excel even further with one-on-one instruction delivered at the pace that works best. These are just some of the many ways parents may be able to identify their student as a struggling reader. For more information on tutoring services or resources, or to arrange for areading tutorfor your young reader, contact the Huntington Learning Center today by visiting our website or calling 1-800-CAN-LEARN.

Maths in everyday life

Maths in everyday life If you have kids of primary school age and you want to help them with their Maths, a addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. On top of this there's fractions and geometry to deal with. These topics can actually be found, practised and demonstrated in everyday life. This is great news for children who find Maths too abstract or difficult to grasp in the classroom. By making them see that Maths is something that you use throughout the day, a tutor can make the subject easier to connect with and bring it to life. Take addition and multiplication, for example. At the shops your child could count out money when it's time to pay for something. Older children can be encouraged to add up (or at least estimate!) the cost of the weekly shop as it goes through the till. Even better is getting your child to work out what the change will be, whatever shop they're in. As for geometry, a Maths tutor can really make this fun, especially for younger children. They'll begin to love checkin g the top of open doors and identifying the right-angles. They can also estimate degrees and gradients when walking up steep hills and so on. First Tutors has many Maths specialists who can help make the subject personal and fun. A tutor can really make learning Maths relevant, easy and fun for young children! The main Maths topics that primary school children learn are the classic four: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. On top of this there's fractions and geometry to deal with. These topics can actually be found, practised and demonstrated in everyday life. This is great news for children who find Maths too abstract or difficult to grasp in the classroom. By making them see that Maths is something that you use throughout the day, a tutor can make the subject easier to connect with and bring it to life. Take addition and multiplication, for example. At the shops your child could count out money when it's time to pay for something. Older children can be encouraged to add up (or at least estimate!) the cost of the weekly shop as it goes through the till. Even better is getting your child to work out what the change will be, whatever shop they're in. As for geometry, a Maths tutor can really make this fun, especially for younger children. They'll begin to love checking the top of open doors and identifying the right-angles. They can also estimate degrees and gradients when walking up steep hills and so on. First Tutors has many Maths specialists who can help make the subject personal and fun.

Educational summer activities the wonder of wildlife

Educational summer activities the wonder of wildlife Exam season is nearly over and the summer holidays are but a pipsqueak away. If you're dreading weeks of boredom in your household, don't worry. It needn't be this way! The UK is full of places to enjoy an educational day out, and each week we'll recommend our pick of the bunch. Our very first recommendation for you is the London Wetland Centre. For anyone who thinks that wildlife can't survive, let alone thrive, in the ultimate urban environment, the London Wetland Centre is here to prove them wrong. Head to the LWC and you'll find a lively nature haven in the heart of the city with beautiful walkways set amongst lakes, ponds, meadows and reedbeds. It plays home to a wide variety of wildlife, with more than 180 species of birds, water voles, amphibians, bats, grass snakes, slow worms, butterflies and moths to gaze at. This is a must-visit for any mini Attenboroughs with an interest in Biology, especially if they live in the city and rarely get to see wildlife close up. In fact, the LWC has six hiding spots to allow visitors to get up close to the wildlife. There is also a collection of rare birds to see, an adventure area for younger children, a bat house and a duck pond where you can feed the ducks (this makes a nice change from many parks, where duck-feeding is banned). For more information on the London Wetland Centre visit

Diet Not Working Try These 5 Tips!

Diet Not Working Try These 5 Tips! 1. “Counting calories, but not eating real food” Many individuals (especially younger individuals, i.e. college students) tend to think that so long as you’re under a certain amount of calories every day, you’re eating healthy. This is not the case. You can count calories all you want, but if you aren’t eating what your body needs, and if you’re still filling it with junk, your diet is not going to work. In other words, processed foods aren’t going to cut it. You need fiber, healthy fats, protein, fruits, and veggies, etc. If you’re eating refined carbs and sugar, you’re not going to see the results that you want. Think the healthier you eat, the better you’ll look. 2. “Starting the day with carbohydrates” It sounds counterproductive, but it isn’t. That morning bowl of cereal isn’t actually helping you (especially if you’re eating Cookie Crisp or other unhealthy options) and neither are the orange juice or jelly covered toast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and, for the most part, we waste it on unhealthy foods that are defeating our health streak before we can even begin. Basically, you should be targeting 15 grams of protein in the morning. So what would this mean in terms of breakfast foods? You should be eating yogurt and granola, protein shakes, eggs, etc. Anything that you can classify as healthy and that has that protein that you need to kick-start your day. 3. “Not getting enough sleep” This is probably going to be our biggest battle if you aren’t sleeping well, your body isn’t doing well. So stop with the all-nighters or the late night parties every weekday because this is going to make you more susceptible when the flu runs around your campus and it’s going to completely diminish your health productivity as well. You need sleep, your diet needs sleep, and your health needs sleep. If you aren’t sleeping well (or just refuse to go to bed), you’re more likely to overeat. You’re also more likely to gain weight. So what is a healthy sleeping routine? 8 hours minimum. That doesn’t mean skip your 9 a.m. class, that means go to bed before 1 a.m. Adjust your schedule to accommodate and you will feel and look better, guaranteed! 4. “Eating when not hungry” We’re all far too guilty of it, and we know that we’re doing it as it happens, but it’s an unconscious habit that’s hard to kick. Basically, when you’re feeling bored, or stressed, or tired, or thirsty, or you’re sitting there doing nothing, your body will believe that it’s hungry. Stop feeding it! If you’re finding yourself snacking for no reason throughout the day, you need to make some changes. There are, luckily, a few ways to correct this. For one thing, utilize a hunger scale, ranked 1-10 (1 being starving and 10 being overly full). If you are below a 4 on the hunger scale, you can eat. If you are above a 4, don’t. If that’s too difficult to master, you can make note of the times you’re watching TV and feeling hungry, determine if you’re just bored or if you’re actually ready to eat, and do something to keep yourself busy if you aren’t actually hungry. Basically, you can use your hunger as a bored-ometer if you’re hungry but you shouldn’t be, you’re probably bored and trying to fill some time. So do something more productive and come back to the TV a little later! 5. “Hanging with the wrong crowd” Most often, this is going to be your friends and family that aren’t supportive of your weight-loss efforts. In these circumstances, individuals are more likely to regain the weight or to stop their diets altogether. A new study also revealed that individuals are the most likely to cheat on their diets when they’re out with friends and family, as it’s very easy to be manipulated into having a “cheat day,” etc. Basically, don’t accept where you are. If you want to continue to eat healthy, don’t let others talk you out of it. Stick to your diet, and if you’re worried about cheating when you go out, don’t eat out. Invite friends over for some healthy snacks or for a home-cooked meal. Don’t let them manipulate your diet you’re in charge. Start implementing these diet tips into your everyday routine and you’ll be back in that swimsuit and ready for summer in no time!